Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Delux Nightclub in Delray Beach, FL - July 12, 2013

July 12th marked the first club event I've shot in over a decade and the first since I moved to South Florida.  The Delux Nightclub in Delray Beach is right on Atlantic Ave and is a favorite hot spot for the local clubbers.  

When I arrived, I met with the promoter Scott and got my marching orders. 

Below are a few of my favorite photos from the evening.  

Isla Bonita Swimwear (Instagram: #IslaBonitaSwimwear) was on hand and a few of the ladies modeled the latest bikinis released from this summer's bikini line.  

Take a look, and as always, check out my website:

Here's the link to the full slideshow:  Photo Bucket Slideshow